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Great Quality. Greater Prices.

Indulge in the diverse flavors and textures of our tropical and exotic fruits from Indonesia, and experience a world of taste sensations that will leave your palate craving more.

mangosteen, 山竹, マンゴスチン, 망고 스틴, مانغوستين


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The fruit of the mangosteen is sweet and tangy, juicy, somewhat fibrous, with fluid-filled vesicles (like the flesh of citrus fruits), with an inedible, deep reddish-purple colored rind (exocarp) when ripe.

jack fruit, جاك الفاكهة, ジャックフルーツ, 菠萝蜜, 잭 과일


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The jack tree is well-suited to tropical lowlands, and is widely cultivated throughout tropical regions of the world. It bears the largest fruit of all trees, reaching as much as 55 kg (120 pounds) in weight, 90 cm (35 inches) in length, and 50 cm (20 inches) in diameter

Cempedak, 셈페닥, سيمبيداك, チュンペダク,


Everyone Favorite

Cempedak fruit has a pungent smell that has been described as harsh and penetrating like that of durian. The taste of the fruit is similar to the related jackfruit and breadfruit with a hint of durian.

corossol, soursop, サワーサップ, 刺果番荔枝, 가시여지


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Soursop, also known as graviola, is a tropical fruit that comes from the Annona muricata tree, native to the Caribbean, Central and South America, and some parts of Africa and Southeast Asia. The fruit has a green, spiky exterior and a white, custard-like flesh inside. It has a sweet and slightly tangy taste, and its texture is similar to that of a blend between a pineapple and a banana.

Rambutan, 람부탄, ランブータン, ramboutan, 红毛丹, رامبوتان


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The taste of this rambutan is sweet and the texture is quite dry. The nature of the flesh is sticky, the seed coat is slightly attached.

Rapiah rambutan has green skin color, the size is not too big and even tends to be small.


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The rapiah rambutan does not have thick and long hair. However, the taste is known to be sweet. Apart from that, this rambutan has the characteristics of a round, plate-shaped fruit, with very short hair, slightly oval, and rough. As for the shape of the leaves, they are elliptical with blunt tips and green in color. Rapiah rambutan has a sweet, sticky taste. The flesh does not stick to the seeds, and there is little water.

ռամբուտան, рамбутан, 紅毛丹, ramboetan, rambutano, rambutaani, ramboutan, რამბუტანი, rambutāns


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Binjai rambutan has a medium size and its appearance is quite attractive. The flesh is sticky, not too wet, sweet and doesn't stick to the seeds. Then the taste is sweet and the texture of the fruit flesh is a bit dry.

เงาะ, рамбутан, rambutan, рамбутан, rambutana, рамбутан, rambután, رامبوتان, рамбутан, rambutanas


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This type of rambutan originates from the Pasar Minggu area. The shape of the fruit is round, with long, oblong and smooth hairs. Hair color is red with yellowish tips. The taste of this type of rambutan is sweet and has quite a lot of water content in the fruit flesh.

snake fruit, 蛇果, 뱀 열매, スネークフルーツ, fruit du serpent, Trái cây rắn, فاكهة الثعبان


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The taste is usually sweet and acidic, with a strong astringent edge, but its apple-like texture can vary from very dry and crumbly.

蛇果, hadí ovoce, slangefrugt, slangenfruit, serpentfrukto, madu, da ƒe atikutsetse, ahas, käärmehedel


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Gading salak is yellow – ivory and shiny, medium to large in size. Usually sold along with pondoh snake fruit and honey snake fruit, the taste of Gading snake fruit is a little more sour, usually sought after by people who don't really like sweet things.

μάνγκο; mango; mangue; マンゴー; 망고; manga; манго; 芒果


Best Sales

The gedong mango has a sweet-sour taste when it is ripe. This is different from other mangoes which after ripe only have a sweet taste. The color aspect also has its own charm

μάνγκο; mango; mangue; マンゴー; 망고; manga; манго; 芒果


1st Place in National Superior Mango 

This type of mango has a sweet taste, with a soft flesh texture, and fragrant aroma, smooth skin, and thin seeds.

μάνγκο; mango; mangue; マンゴー; 망고; manga; манго; 芒果


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The taste of this avocado mango is indeed sweet, like sweet arum manis mangoes in general. However, the difference is obvious when the mango is in the fiber of the mango fruit is very smooth.

芒果, mangoer, mango's, mangot, انبه ها, mangues, Mangos, mangod, manghi, mangas, rękawy, рукава, ruká


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The fruit has a sweet taste with the seeds or mango stems being thin so the flesh is thick.

 മാംഗോ,  مانجا, Манго, Mango, Mangas, მანგო,  ማንጎ,  மாம்பழம்,  आँप,  I-Mango, Mua


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The taste of mango apples when ripe is sweet and sour with quite a lot of water content which makes them juicier.

I-Mango,   آم,  մանգո,   မန်ဂို,   මංගෝ,  மாம்பழம்,  Манго, Mango,


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The mango fruit will not be as big as the arumanis mango or apple mango. Even though they are small, the Manalagi mango tastes very sweet and has almost no sour taste. The flesh has a thick texture with very fine fibers.

Mangue Mango Manga مانجو  आम   আম  芒果   マンゴー  망고  Embe มะม่วง  Xoài Mangga  I-mango מנגו   آم   மாம்பழம்   మామిడి Μάνγκο  Man


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The characteristic of this type of mango is that the skin of the fruit is green when young and turns yellow when it is ripe. This type of mango has a large size and long shape and a sweet taste with a distinctive aroma which is the characteristic of mango golek.

indonesian manggo


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This mango fruit has a sweet taste like honey. The shape of the fruit is round, with dark yellow flesh similar to honey. The flesh is quite fragrant, slightly fibrous, and does not contain much water.

longan, Trái cây rắn, 용안, リュウガン, longane, 龙眼, مانغاغو

New Crystal Longan

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New Crystal longan has a distinctive feature in its clear and sweeter flesh. The specialty of this crystal longan lies in the texture of the fruit which is more chewy, juicy, and looks like a crystal, thus giving a more attractive and appetizing visual impression.

rose apple, táo hồng, 玫瑰苹果, 장미 사과, ローズアップル, pomme rose


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The fruit is oblong-shaped and dark red in color, although some varieties have white or pink skins. The flesh is red and surrounds a large seed. Its taste is bland but refreshing.

apple guava, pomme goyave, アップルグアバ, 사과 구아바, 苹果番石榴, ổi táo


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Guava fruits are usually 4 to 12 centimetres long, are round or oval.They have a pronounced and typical fragrance, similar to lemon rind but less sharp. The outer skin may be rough, often with a bitter taste, or soft and sweet. The pulp inside may be sweet or sour and off-white ("white" guavas) to deep pink ("red" guavas).

crystal guava, pha lê ổi, goyave de cristal, Kristallguave, 크리스탈 구아바,  水晶番石榴,


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Crystal guava (Psidium Guava sp) is a super quality guava, it tastes sweet and crunchy, and is almost seedless (less than 3 percent of the fruit)

jamaican apple malay, 苹果马来语, pomme malais, アップルマレー語, Apfel malaiisch,


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The jamaican apple malay has a soft flesh texture and is denser than the water guava type. The taste of the fruit is fresh and unique, which is a combination of sweet, sour, and astringent or it can also be called a nano-nano taste.


Madu Deli

Crispy and juicy

The Jambu Madu Deli is a specific cultivar known for its deliciously sweet and aromatic flavor. The fruit itself is typically large and round, with a juicy, crisp flesh that makes it quite popular for fresh consumption. The region of Deli, particularly in North Sumatra, is renowned for producing high-quality varieties of this tropical fruit, which is beloved by locals and tourists alike.

siamese orange,


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The flesh is soft textured, contains a lot of water, and the color is yellowish green. The sweet taste and fragrant smell make Berastagi oranges popular with many people.

pamelo, باميلو, 帕梅洛, Памело, Pamélo, 파멜로, パメロ, Πάμελο


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In terms of taste, pomelo oranges have a fresh sweet and slightly sour taste so they are suitable for consumption during the hot dry season. Pamelo oranges are rich in vitamins, such as vitamins A, B6, B12, C, lycopene, pectin, tryptophan and other mineral content.

pamelo, باميلو, 帕梅洛, Памело, Pamélo, 파멜로, パメロ, Πάμελο


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Bali Pomelo has a bitter and sour taste, when drunk as juice or eaten whole, it creates an alkaline reaction in the body, which is a great help for those suffering from excess acid in the digestive system.

tangerine, 柑橘, タンジェリン, mandarine,يوسفي, 귤,


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The skin of the fruit is greenish yellow and rather thick. The flesh is orange, has a slightly sour taste but is fresh and not boring, the aroma is sharp and fragrant, the texture is rather rough. This tangerine comes from the Tawangwangu area, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province.

sweet orange, オレンジ色の果物, 오렌지 과일, 橙色水果,


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This orange is sweeter than siamese orange in general. Mainly use to feed infant.

blueberry, ブルーベリー, myrtille, 블루베리, bosbes, 蓝莓, Blaubeere


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Most blueberries have a sweet taste with a bit of acid

raspberry, Himbeere, ラズベリー, framboise, framboos, 覆盆子, lampone


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raspberries typically have a bright, sweet-tart flavor. They also have soft, tender, mildly crunchy flesh.

mullberries, gelso, mûre, 桑, Maulbeere, moerbei, 짙은 적자색, 桑


Top of the Line

Mulberry fruit has a sweet and sour taste. The color of the fruit also varies, some are white, red, and black. White mulberry has a sweeter taste than black or red mulberry

strawberry, 柑橘, いちご, Erdbeere, fraise, 딸기, aardbei


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The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness.

passion fruit, パッションフルーツ, Passionsfrucht, fruit de la passion, passievrucht, فاكهة العاطفة, 百香果, 열정


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Passion fruit has a sweet-but-also-tart flavor, and a fragrant aroma, which adds to the eating experience. It's hard to compare them to another fruit since they are so unique but if pressed: think a little like a kiwi, a little like pineapple

패션 프루트, passion fruit, 百香果, فاكهة العاطفة, Passionsfrucht, パッションフルーツ, fruit de la passion


Top of the Line

Red Passion fruit has a sweet and sour taste-but-also-tart flavor, and a fragrant aroma, which adds to the eating experience. It's hard to compare them to another fruit since they are so unique but if pressed: think a little like a kiwi, a little like pineapple

kaki, persimmon. 柿, البرسيمون, 柿子, cachi, caqui, kesemak, 감, хурма


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Persimmon is sweet fresh with a lot of water in it. The shape of the round persimmon fruit is like a tomato with a dense fruit flesh texture, crisp and soft, almost similar to an apple.

أمباريلا, ambarella, 安巴雷拉, Abonnieren, Ambrellelle, アンバレラ, амбарелла


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June Plum has a sweet and sour taste which can be eaten fresh or processed into salad, pickles, pickles or jam.

ананас, ananas, 파인애플, أناناس, 菠萝, パイナップル, ànànàs,  abacaxi, quả dứa


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Honey pineapple usually smells nice and sweet, and tastes very sweet, with a hint of honey mixed with coconut.

Queen pineapple


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It is known for its sweet and juicy flesh, making it a popular choice for fruit enthusiasts and those who appreciate unique tropical fruits.

สัปปะรด, ананас, buah nanas, ანანასი, anann, ananasų, آناناس, piña


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It is a long-shaped pineapple variety with almost translucent white pulp. This prickly pineapple belongs to one of the most delicious types of pineapple. The texture of the meat is soft, juicy, and quite thick, perfect for consumption when the sun is hot.

cayanne pineapple.webp


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The fruit has a golden-yellow color with a smooth, slightly bumpy skin. The flesh inside is a vibrant orange-yellow hue and has a distinct, sweet taste with a hint of tanginess.

Md2 pineapple


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This MD2 pineapple is known for its sweet and juicy flavor, with a firm, golden-yellow flesh

драконий фрукт, ドラゴンフルーツ, fruit du dragon, فاكهة التنين, 火龙果


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Its taste has been described as a slightly sweet cross between a kiwi and a pear. Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit native to Mexico and Central America. Its taste is like a combination of a kiwi and a pear.

Drachenfrucht, φρούτο δράκου, frutto del drago, 드래곤 프루트, dragefrukt, buah naga


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Its taste has been described as a slightly sweet cross between a kiwi and a pear. Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit native to Mexico and Central America. Its taste is like a combination of a kiwi and a pear.



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The color of the flesh is slightly orange yellow with a fresh and sweet taste.



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Thai papaya has a sweet taste. Thai papaya can weigh up to 3 kilograms for one fruit.



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The flesh of the tamarillo is tangy and variably sweet, with a bold and complex flavor, and may be compared to kiwifruit, tomato, guava, or passion fruit. The skin and the flesh near it have a bitter taste and are not usually eaten raw.



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Sapodilla has a flavor profile all its own, making sapodilla a great introduction to all kinds of sapote fruits. This one is exceptionally sweet, with flavors reminiscent of brown sugar, sweet potato and pear. They have pearlike texture too, with a rich molasses taste that's often described as malty.



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The flesh of the kenitu fruit has a sweet taste, so it is suitable as an option for making fruit soup in combination with other fruit variants. Kenitu can also be used as fruit juice or juice.

kokosnøtt,  coconut, kelapa, 코코넛, جوزة الهند, 椰子, kokosnoot, kookos, ココナッツ, кокос


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Besides being rich in nutrients, coconut fruit also has a delicious sweet taste. So it is not uncommon for coconuts to be processed into various types of food that are delicious for consumption.

kopyor, macapuno, มะพร้าว, dừa, نارگیل, نا, noce di cocco, cnó cócó, noix de coco


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Kopyor is a coconut plant that genetically produces coconuts with the following characteristics: the flesh (endosperm) is detached from the shell and has a crumb texture. Kopyor coconut flesh has a sweeter, savory, and delicious taste compared to ordinary coconut.

matured coconut, semi husk coconut, husk coconut


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The taste of a matured coconut can be described as slightly sweet with a hint of nuttiness. As the coconut matures, the water inside becomes sweeter, and the meat develops a more pronounced flavor. The overall taste experience is a pleasant combination of natural sweetness and a subtle, earthy undertone.



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Watermelon boasts a triad of flavors—bitter, sweet, and sour. The bitter flavors of the fruit are strong enough to keep the sweet from being overpowering, and the sour makes the bitter more manageable. All three together are what make watermelon so unique.

seedless, 種なし, frøfri,sin semillas, бессемянный, sem sementes, بی دانه, 씨 없는, 種なし, senza semi, magta


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Watermelon boasts a triad of flavors—bitter, sweet, and sour. The bitter flavors of the fruit are strong enough to keep the sweet from being overpowering, and the sour makes the bitter more manageable. All three together are what make watermelon so unique.



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Ambon bananas have their own characteristics, where the color of the flesh tends to be yellowish white. This type of banana is also a favorite among people because it tastes sweet and has a fragrant aroma.



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Another characteristic of this banana lies in its skin, which is quite thick and has a yellow, slightly orange color. Regarding taste, plantain feels legit and soft when in the mouth, and has a fragrant aroma



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The taste of Cavendish bananas is not too sweet and the texture is soft. The skin is yellowish green and slightly thick.



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Kepok bananas have very thick, yellowish green skin. When it is cooked, the flesh is reddish yellow and the texture is slightly hard. The taste is sweet, but the aroma is not fragrant.



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The advantages of the Golden Kirana variety are that the flesh tastes sweet, fresh and has a crunchy texture, can be used as raw material for processed industries in the form of banana flour and sale, relatively early maturity with a productivity of 11-13 kg/bunch.



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Different from bananas in general, tanduk/horn banana  have a taste that is not too sweet and a denser texture. Therefore, this fruit is often processed into various dishes, ranging from fried bananas, steamed bananas, or banana sponge cake.



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The root of the jicama plant, which is the only edible part, has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor when carefully prepared. Its flesh is juicy and crunchy. Some people think jicama tastes like a cross between a potato and a pear, while others compare its taste to that of a water chestnut.



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Starfruit has a sweet, mildly acidic flavor with a sour undertone. The fruit has an exotic feel to it, and its floral aroma is very enticing. If you've ever eaten a feijoa, you'll be familiar with the starfruit's flavor – it's predominantly feijoa, with the acidity of pineapple and subtle hints of banana and pear.

langsat, longkon, ランサットフルーツ, فاكهة لانجسات, 兰萨果, 랑삿 과일, duku


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Longkon has a very different taste. Langsat fruit has a sour taste that is more dominant than its sweet taste. While Longkon fruit has the opposite taste, which tends to be sweeter and has a distinctive aroma.

شمام, meloen, 瓜, meloni, тарвас, merengi, Meloun, 멜론, Melone, メロン, แตงโม, dưa gang, πεπόνι, дыня


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The Sky Rocket melon is most widely consumed by Indonesian people it has a round shape with thick skin and an uneven texture because it is similar to scales or nets. The outer skin of this sky rocket melon is green with yellow, slightly light brown webs. When you cut it open, the inside of the fruit is yellowish green, the outside is greenish, while the inside near the seeds is yellowish. As for the taste, it can be said to be quite sweet with a quite fragrant aroma when it is really ripe.

jade dew, ندى اليشم, 玉露, 玉露, jada roso, rosée de jade, jade kastetta, Jadetau, jade dugg, jade dau


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The "Taste of Jade Dew Melon" refers to the flavor profile of a specific type of melon, which is known for its refreshing and sweet taste. This particular melon has a unique combination of flavors, including a hint of musky undertones, which sets it apart from other melons. Its name, "Jade Dew," evokes a sense of freshness and coolness, further enhancing the overall experience of enjoying this delicious fruit.

gotas de miel, honeydew, 甘露, honningdug, honingdauw, Hunneg, honning dugg, 단물, 甘露, melata, المن


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Dew melon, also known as Casaba melon, has a mild, sweet, and refreshing taste. It is characterized by its delicate, slightly fragrant flavor, which is not as strong as other melons like cantaloupe or watermelon. The flesh is juicy, with a slightly fibrous texture, and has a subtle hint of sweetness that is well-balanced with a touch of subtle bitterness. The taste of dew melon can be described as a pleasant blend of sweetness and a slightly earthy undertone. Overall, it offers a refreshing and enjoyable eating experience.

matoa; 馬托阿; 마토아;


unique fruit

Matoa is a fruit native to Papua which has a unique taste because it is like a combination of durian, longan and rambutan.

Bawor durian has a sweet, sticky taste, combined with a slightly bitter taste.


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This durian has a sweet and legit taste, large size, and is resistant to pests and diseases. Legit bitter because it contains enough natural alcohol and the taste is thick. Durian lovers will feel how this durian has a different characteristic.

sorttorn, sleedoorn, برقوق السياج, սև փուշ, 黑刺李, 黑刺李, ʻeleʻele, prunellier, oratuomi, ブラックソーン, 인목 무리


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Black Thorn Durian is revered for its intense bittersweet taste, which is often described as a blend of caramel, roasted almonds, and dark chocolate. It has a creamy and custard-like texture, which melts in your mouth, leaving a luxurious aftertaste.

musang king, موسانج كينغ, 猫山王, 貓山王, Musang König, Roi Musang, Musang kuningas, Musang Koning


Top of the Line

Musang king durian boasts a rich, creamy, and bittersweet taste. Its flavor profile is often described as a combination of sweet custard, caramel, and a subtle hint of bitterness. The flesh is thick, smooth, and golden-yellow in color.

榴莲, دوريان, Դուրյան, ドリアン, 두리안, durião, дуриан, дуриан, durián, ทุเรียน, quả sầu riêng, durian


Choice Selection

Lai fruit has a small to medium size ranging from 1-2 kilograms. Lai fruit trees are similar to durian trees with medium size trees, and their leaves tend to be large and thick, around 20-25 centimeters. The flesh of this fruit is not as delicious as durian fruit but still has a sweet and bitter taste.

mese, monthong, モンオン, 월농, месецонг, 蒙通, 蒙通, Monat, månedlang, maandong, mois, mahina, marama, måned


Top of the Line

The flesh is yellow and thick, slightly dry and less fatty. The flesh is very sweet and has a smooth texture with a moderate sharp aroma.
The skin color of the fruit is yellowish green with small, cone-shaped spines on the surface of the skin that are quite dense. Durian fruit is difficult to open. Each fruit weighs around 3-10 kg.

avocado, أفوكادو, アボカド, avocat, 아보카도, 牛油果, trái bơ

Miki Avocado

alpukat aligator.jpg

Aligator Avocado

Smooth texture, creamy and rich flavor

Denser and larger size.

The Miki avocado is a variety of avocado known for its smooth texture, creamy consistency, and rich flavor. This variety is popular in regions where avocados are cultivated, and it is particularly recognized for its high-quality taste and texture.

Alligator avocados are sometimes preferred by people who like a slightly firmer, less oily texture than the commonly known Hass.

Butter Avocado

Soft, Creamy & Rich Tasting Flesh

Butter avocado is one type of avocado that is very popular in Indonesia. Known for its soft, creamy, and rich-tasting flesh, butter avocado is often used in various culinary dishes, especially in the form of juice or dessert.


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vaahtoverkko, filet en mousse, Schaumstoffnetz, δίχτυ αφρού, Schaum net
fruit mica, frugt glimmer, 水果雲母, ميكا الفاكهة, frukto glimo, Uebst Glimmer, 과일 운모, フルーツマイカ


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Discover the convenience and versatility of styrofoam plates for your next event or meal. Lightweight and durable, these plates offer a practical solution for serving up your favorite dishes without the worry of breakage. Perfect for picnics, parties, or everyday use, styrofoam plates provide a hassle-free dining experience. Shop now and elevate your tableware with the reliability of styrofoam.



Discover the versatility and durability of PP corrugated boxes – your ideal packaging solution for a wide range of industries. Lightweight yet sturdy, these innovative boxes offer exceptional protection for your products during transit. Explore our customizable options today for packaging that's both practical and eco-friendly.


Elevate your sustainable packaging game with our woven bamboo fruit boxes. Crafted from renewable bamboo fibers, these eco-friendly boxes not only showcase your commitment to the environment but also provide sturdy protection for your fruits. Explore our stylish and versatile designs today for packaging that's both functional and planet-friendly.



Embrace natural elegance with our woven rattan fruit boxes. Handcrafted from sustainable rattan fibers, these eco-friendly boxes offer both beauty and functionality. Perfect for showcasing your fresh fruits while providing durable protection during transport. Discover our exquisite designs today and elevate your packaging with timeless style and environmental consciousness.

comprehensive information about our quote process and the different Incoterms


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Pt. Wonderful Indonesia Corp


Harco Mangga Dua Mall Lt Dasar Blok B 2A
Jakarta Pusat 10730

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